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Fatal Auto Accidents and Benefits to Hiring an Injury Lawyer

Indianapolis injury lawyers

Fatal Auto Accidents and Benefits to Hiring an Injury Lawyer

According to FOX News and The Indy Star, a fatal car crash took place Sunday evening. The accident took place on the south side of Indianapolis and involved multiple cars. Authorities have yet to identify a cause, but with the holiday weekend, it may be possible alcohol was involved. Our law firm extends our hearts and prayers to the victims and their families. Too often, holiday weekends and irresponsible drinkers cause fatal accidents. We know, we’ve represented families who have lost loved ones due to the negligence of another person.

Today, we’re going to talk about fatal auto accidents and benefits to hiring an injury lawyer. As always, our website does not provide legal advise. The information and content we display are our opinions. Now, after two plus decades of handling injury cases and winning millions of dollars for our clients, we believe we know a “thing or two” about helping accident victims.

Read today’s blog, check out our Indianapolis Personal Injury Attorney YouTube channel, or call us at (317) 916-0000. We’re open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

Potential Benefits and Reasons Why You Should Talk to an Injury Attorney After an Accident 

Look, most of us (if not all of us) carry some form of insurance. Medical, auto, homeowners, even renters insurance is supposed to help cover our “backends” when something unexpected happens. We’re told that “we are in good hands” or “like a good neighbor” insurance firms will be there to help us when we need them most. Sadly, this is not the truth.

There are lots of potential benefits and reasons why you should talk to an injury attorney after an accident, again in our opinion. As Indianapolis personal injury lawyers, we handle cases for victims who have been wronged by an insurance company. We get to see, first hand, the ugly side of insurance. Read below to learn more about why we believe accident victims should talk to an attorney before dealing with an insurance company.

Insurance Companies Have Their Own Injury Attorneys 

Yes, you are correct. Insurance companies hire and employ their own personal injury lawyers. That’s because attorneys who practice injury law know how to handle a claim, and fight to deny a claim. Guess what though? You can hire your own Indianapolis personal injury attorney to fight for your rights. Best of all, our injury lawyers in Indianapolis do not charge upfront fees. In fact, we don’t get paid unless we win money for you. Period.

Your Best Interests Are Not Their Best Interests

Insurance companies have a vested interest to deny your claim. They make money by collecting payments, not by paying out on your injury claim. In fact, insurance firms invest the money we pay, and they have shareholders. Look, simply put, your best interests after being injured in an accident do not line up financially with the best interests of an insurance firm. Our Indianapolis personal injury lawyers FIGHT to protect your best interests.

You May Be Owed Much More Money Than You’re Being Offered 

One of the best, if not the best, thing we believe we can do to help you is to win you money. See, sometimes insurance companies try to offer victims way less than they could actually get with the help of an attorney. You may be owed much more money than you’re being offered by an insurance company. Let our injury attorneys provide you with a free case review. We can fight to obtain the financial compensation you deserve.

Schedule a Consultation with an Indianapolis Personal Injury Attorney Today 

If you, or a loved one, have sustained injuries after an accident let us help. Dial (317) 916-0000 to schedule a consultation with an Indianapolis personal injury attorney today. The call is free, the consultation is free, and we can review your situation as we determine if you have a potential case. For over 20 years we’ve fought for the financial rights of injury victims. Let our Indianapolis personal injury lawyers FIGHT for you and the compensation you deserve today.