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Some individuals may be amazed at how a seemingly simple error can have such profound effects. In most cases, however, simple errors may turn into greater situations when looked at more closely. For example, a motorcycle accident may seem to have taken place because a driver hit an object, but an investigation could find that the driver was under the influence when the accident took place.

A similar situation recently took place in Indiana. It was reported that two individuals were on a motorcycle as the driver attempted to get on the Interstate. The motorcycle was accelerating onto the roadway when it struck a traffic barrel in a construction zone. The driver was unable to maintain control, and both the driver and passenger were thrown from the motorcycle. No other vehicles were suspected to have been involved in the incident.

The situation resulted in the passenger suffering fatal injuries. The 33-year-old woman was declared dead on the accident site. The driver was transported from the scene for treatment of injuries. The driver is currently facing multiple charges, including driving while intoxicated, operating while intoxicated causing death and another allegation.

The family of the motorcycle accident victim may want to look into their options for seeking compensation. Because the driver is facing criminal charges, the outcome of his criminal case could prove useful in a civil case. If the driver is convicted, family members of the victim may be able to use that information as evidence in a wrongful death case in order to seek compensation for damages permitted under Indiana law.

Source:, “Police arrest driver in motorcycle crash that killed a passenger“, Brady Allard, July 11, 2015